Welcome to NCLibTV Services Delivered To Your Home

General Information

The "NCLibTV Service Delivered to Your Home" blueprint blueprints for the whole nation as the object, turn on your home digital television that is able to enter the virtual library, using the library to provide various library materials and services, and to watch the library combined AR, VR and 3D technology designed books, exhibitions, or enter the virtual lecture hall to participate in various activities and courses. In order to achieve the blueprint of "NCLibTV Service Delivered to Your Home", in the future, the library will be a smart library service that caters for science and technology development, application of innovative technologies, combining library services and content value with scientific and humaneness.

"NCLibTV Service Delivered to Your Home Digital Channel" To meet the trend of digital convergence and to apply the technologies and services such as Cloud-IPTV and OTT to develop smart services, we will use smart technology to respond to the needs of humankind for a better life.

  • Constructs the digital channel of wisdom library, completes the pattern development of OTT TV platform, and enables the library service to run on the smart TV.
  • Open Internet service as the core point of view, the family of digital television Internet connected to deliver the content provided by the library services. Let people turn on the television at home, that is, into the library, to read or use library services.
  • Combine technologies such as AR / VR to add value to various resources such as book materials and exhibition activities, design and produce the content required by Digital Channel Library to provide OTT TV platform services.