湯宇歆 【尋妳】
歌手湯宇歆的創作帶有濃厚的拉丁風格,歌曲《尋妳》採用Reggaeton編製。在歡愉明亮的節奏下,湯宇歆唱出對依人的思念,當踏上記憶中的故土,看到河水透徹、美麗風景,心情不禁期待了起來,想回到兩人相識的地方,去尋找依人的蹤影,不曉得她是否還記得自己? Hakka singer 湯宇歆, also known as Tito Tang, draws inspiration for his music from Latin American rhythms and melodies. For this song, “尋妳” or, in Spanish, “Buscándote”, Tito Tang channels the style of Reggaeton music. Accompanied by vibrant beats, he sings about his longing for a loved one. He returns to his homeland to clear rivers and beautiful landscapes, and revisits the place where they first met. In his song, he wonders if she still remembers him.