米莎 Misa【囥人尋】Hide and Seek
由米莎演唱的歌曲《囥人尋》發想自日本詩人寺山修司(Shūji Terayama)的短文,講述在玩捉迷藏、當鬼的男孩,一直不到同伴,直到晚上男孩找到同伴時,同伴居然變成中年人!米莎透過這首黑色幽默的歌曲,想告訴大家:人如果一直逃避困境,就像在跟世界玩抓迷藏,最終將與世界脫節。 The song “Hide and Seek” by Misa, was inspired by a short story by Japanese poet Shūji Terayama. The story tells of a boy who plays hide and seek but can't find his friends when he’s “it”. When he finally finds them later that night, his friends have turned into middle-aged men! Through this dark and humorous song, Misa warns that avoiding challenges is like playing hide and seek with the world, which eventually leaves you disconnected from it.