米莎 Misa【杜鵑】Azalea Cuckoo
米莎在登山時看到經歷寒冬的高山杜鵑花,依舊在春季綻放,展現堅強的生命力,讓米莎聯想到英年早逝的女歌手Amy Winehouse,進而為她創作歌曲《杜鵑》,唱出對Amy的不捨及惋惜,希望Amy可以如同杜鵑花一般,綻放生命的精彩,也希望如同鳥一樣,被賦予翅膀、展翅飛翔。 During a hiking trip, Misa spotted azaleas, these beautiful flowers that had survived the winter and were still blooming in the spring. This reminded Misa of the late singer Amy Winehouse, and inspired her to create the song "Azalea Cuckoo" to honor Winehouse. Through the song, Misa expresses her grief and regret for the late singer, hoping that like the azalea, Amy’s life could showcase her splendor, while wishing her to have freedom like a bird.