雙眼愣愣的盯著手機螢幕,手指下意識的在螢幕上滑呀滑的,像一隻泥鰍游移在一個又一個由數位建構而成的虛擬世界,在這裡你可以暢行無阻的抵達想去的舒適地,自由探索。它就像一張大網,網羅你的一舉一動,並透過演算法投其所好,讓你沉浸在虛幻裡,圍困住你的所有。 讓我們聽聽,由米莎所帶來的《圍城》…. Staring blankly at your smartphone screen, your fingers mindlessly swipe across the display. It's like you're a mudfish swimming through one digital world after another. Here, you can go wherever you want without any barriers, exploring freely. It's like a big net, capturing your every move and, through algorithms, feeding you what you like, trapping you in this illusion. Let's tune in to "Round Up" by Misa…