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The videos on this website are produced and broadcast by external public sector units, so the videos have not been remade, and some videos do not support the function of synchronous display of video subtitles. If you need to generate real-time subtitles for videos, you can use the browser built-in accessible real-time subtitles function, and depending on the browser you are using, you can set the function to turn on real-time subtitles.
Tips : How to set up the real-time subtitle function
Step 1: On the Chrome browser page, click the "Customize and Manage Google Chrome" function icon in the function bar at the upper right corner of the page -> Step 2: Enter the Google Chrome settings page and select the "Settings" function item in the function bar -> Step 3: Enter the settings page, select the "Accessibility Settings" sub-function -> Step 4: Select the "Real-time subtitles" function, and add a new language to set the real-time translation. This completes the setting of opening the real-time subtitles function. (Example: Chinese (Traditional) )

Step 1: On the Edge browser page, click the "Settings and Others" function icon in the function bar at the upper right corner of the page -> Step 2: Enter the Edge settings page, select the "Settings" function item in the function bar -> Step 3: Enter the Edge settings page, select the "Accessibility Tools" setting sub-function item -> Step 4: Select the "System preferences for turning on auxiliary subtitles" function, enter the Assistance Tools > Auxiliary subtitles page, and set the new "Real-time Assistance" option Subtitles" function, the system will complete the setting and install the real-time auxiliary subtitles function.