
During Japanese occupation period, the Japanese government was actively developing Taiwan’s forest resources, bringing up the prosperous forestry development! Alishan,Basianshan, and Taipingshan were “Taiwan’s top three forests” in which Alishan was the first and the biggest one.  In 1912, Alishan Forest Railway started operation, opening the logging era of Alishan. Two years later, Forestry Bureau started building dormitories for the staff; the next year, as the scale of Cypress Forest Village expanded that the club, single dormitories, family dormitories, official houses, and bathhouses were completed.  In 2005, Chiayi City Government registered the 28 buildings of “Ben Cun” as the historical buildings in order to preserve the forestry cultural asset. In 2009, Executive Yuan approved

感謝 行政院農業委員會林務局 授權上架

提示:如何設定即時字幕功能 Chrome瀏覽器設定開啟即時字幕功能:
步驟1: Chrome 瀏覽器頁面上,點選頁面右上方功能列"自訂及管理Google Chrome" 功能圖示 -> 步驟2: 進入Google Chrome設定頁面,選取功能列"設定"功能項目 -> 步驟3: 進入設定頁面,選取"無障礙設定"子功能項目 -> 步驟4: 選取"即時字幕"功能,並新增設定即時翻譯的語言,即完成即時字幕功能開啟設定。(例如: 中文(繁體) )
步驟1: Edge瀏覽器頁面上,點選頁面右上方功能列"設定及其他" 功能圖示 -> 步驟2: 進Edge設定頁面,選取功能列"設定"功能項目 -> 步驟3: 進入Edge設定頁面,選取"協助工具"設定子功能項目 -> 步驟4: 選取"開啟輔助字幕的系統喜好設定"功能,進入協助工具>輔助字幕頁面,設定新增開啟"即時輔助字幕"功能,系統即會完成設定及安裝即時輔助字幕功能。